Monday, February 12, 2007

My virgin Blog...

I'm not a fan of blogging... never been good at talking about myself.
In fact, friends always say that I am secretive... am I?

Well, this is actually not my first blogsite... i've tried blogging before...
But it just didnt work well with me. Maybe time is the factor? Or maybe i'm juz "secretive"?

Nope, i think i'm just plain boring...
Allow me a bit more time to mess around with this "blogging" thing... learn its interface...
Then maybe i'll add a few more photos... I think that will make it more interesting...
*cross my fingers*

You will notice that there's one ugly looking star on the top left of my blog. Well, i was imagining it was to be 5 stars... hehehe...
If it is 5 stars, it allows you to keep "IT" for good... what is it? =รพ

I've read ONE very good blog that really interests me and i've subscribed to his posts.
I don't read blogs often, neither do I blog often. I believe in life, there has to be a purpose.
What's is the purpose of bloggin if I cant generate enough interests? =P